
Open on GitHub

Free Monoid Proof

Free Monoid Proof

I've been learning about free objects in category theory.

Bartosz Milewski's Category Theory for Programmers has been particularly very informative.

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Lerp Reverse Maths

Lerp Reverse Maths

An investigation into the assumptions from which you can derive the ubiquitous lerp function and it's properties.

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Hom Functor Play

Hom Functor

Playing with the Hom Functor to better understand it.

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Zeckendorf Proof?


I'm hoping to prove Zeckendorf's theorem in Coq without reference as a personal challenge.

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Bird-Meertens MaxSegSum


I'm trying to (mostly) faithfully translate a theorem from the Bird-Meertens Formalism Wikipedia article into Coq.

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Cube Diff Vol

Cube Diff Vol

A small project. I'm just playing with Coq.

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Taylor Polynomials

Cube Diff Vol

Playing with Taylor polynomials using Coq.

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Odd and Even Parts

Cube Diff Vol

An attempt to recreate a simple proof that all functions between fields can be decomposed into the sum of an even and an odd function.

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Tarski's Axioms

Cube Diff Vol

Playing with Tarski's axioms for Euclidean geometry.

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A Complex Equation Envelope

Cube Diff Vol

A Complex Equation Envelope.

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Vote Share

Vote Share.

A Coq proof regarding a simple question about voting.

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Superposition Principle

Vote Share.

An investigation into the superposition principle for differential equations.

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Group Theory

Vote Share.

An extension of my free monoid project with a scope expanding into group theory.